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credit with

"credit with"的翻译和解释


  • It is credited with preserving health , perhaps because it comes from kyushu , a city noted for its citizens ' longevity
  • Before he died in early 1942 , blackburn is credited with shooting down two enemy aircraft , greene said
    “在1942年初布莱克本死之前,他还击落了两架敌机。 ”格林说。
  • Immediately after such transaction over the internet , the recipient ' s account in china will be credited with the funds
  • The buena vista caf located at fisherman ' s wharf in san francisco is credited with popularizing what famous hot drink
  • The gatt agreement is credited with promoting agreements resulting in average global tariff barriers by 1972
    关税及贸易总协定促使全球关税壁垒到1972年平均降至8 % ,因而受到赞誉。
  • Moreover , they are credited with the creation of a new style of entrepreneurship and the resulting dot . com boom
  • Edison ' s many inventions also included the incandescent light bulb and the phonograph ; he was credited with holding 1 , 093 patents
  • Greece - the emblem of the bird - god phaon . associated with hera , who is credited with scattering the " argus eyes " over its tail
    希腊? ?象征着神鸟腓胺,伴随着赫拉,尾部散发着“阿耳弋斯的众多眼睛” 。
  • Adam smith is usually credited with founding the discipline of economics in his remarkable wealth of nations , published in 1776
    斯密公,常因1776年出版之《国富论》 ,而荣膺“经济学原理之奠基者”之头衔。
  • With buildings like the casa cal bain and the casa minga , antony gaudy is credited with making great impact of image of barcelona
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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